Residential Construction

Creating and maintaining living spaces that people feel at home in.

Vaughandale is your premier partner for top-notch residential construction services.

We pride ourselves on delivering tailored solutions that transform living spaces into dream homes. Our services encompass a wide range of residential projects, from extensions to the conversion of large buildings into apartment complexes and halls of residences. We ensure that each project is crafted with precision and care.

With a rich history of dedicated service in the construction industry, Vaughandale brings a wealth of experience to every residential construction project. We have the skills and resources needed to expertly manage all facets of construction, ensuring that your vision for a perfect home becomes a reality.

Residential Construction and Accessibility.

At Vaughandale, we are committed to creating homes that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also accessible to everyone, including those with additional support needs. Our team understands the importance of inclusive design and can adapt residential spaces to cater to the unique needs of individuals.

Whether it’s installing ramps, widening doorways, or incorporating other accessibility features, Vaughandale ensures that your home is designed with comfort and convenience in mind. We work closely with our clients to understand their specific requirements, ensuring that the final result is a home that is both beautiful and accessible.

Adaptable Homes for All.

Vaughandale goes beyond standard construction practices to create adaptable homes for all. We specialise in crafting living spaces that can easily be modified to accommodate changing needs. From smart home technologies to flexible layouts, we incorporate features that enhance the adaptability of your residence over time.

Our commitment to excellence extends to every aspect of residential construction, ensuring that your home is not only a reflection of your style but also a space that can evolve with you and your family.

Whether you’re embarking on a new residential construction project or considering renovations to enhance accessibility, Vaughandale is your trusted partner for creating homes that stand the test of time.